Extended School Year

  • Classroom based program Programs will be operated in classrooms at public school buildings. The environment will be designed to assimilate a classroom routine and structure as would occur during a typical school day. Activities will be organized that include skill maintenance of identified IEP goals for ESY. Activities will be scheduled for students to interact socially within the classroom or on the school grounds.

    The functional classroom based programs will focus on skills of feeding, toileting, communication, motor, and daily living. Therapies are integrated. The behavioral classroom based programs will focus on skills of behavior, social, daily living, communication and basic academics. Therapies are integrated. The emotional support classroom based programs will focus on skills of behavior, social, and basic academics. Therapies are integrated if needed. Students needing a classroom based program for maintenance of identified goals are those students that need school consistency, routine, and structure. If those environmental conditions are needed for student success, they are not to be considered for the camp based program for a recreational component.

    Work-Based Learning (WBL) is a community based vocational training program that extends beyond the confines of a school campus. Students will learn and demonstrate job skills or job related skills in local community businesses. Support on site is from CLIU Job Coaches through modeling and monitoring. Each session typically has up to four students per location at one time.


  • ESY Services in PA
  • ESY Teacher Desk Reference
  • Student Profiles