Threat Assessment

  • In June of 2019, legislation was enacted to assist schools in creating safer environments.  Article XIII-E: Threat Assessment was added to the Pennsylvania School Code.  This law requires that school entities establish threat assessment team(s), procedures, and reporting protocols.

    The threat assessment process is a prevention strategy used to identify and assess threats of violence before the act occurs. Statistics show that students usually plan out an attack in advance, exhibiting observable behaviors and making others aware of their plans. It may be possible to prevent future school attacks from occurring through awareness education, following reporting procedures and using the threat assessment team(s) to help students who may have the intent and capacity to commit an act of violence or do harm to   themselves.  Schools are not only a place to learn, but they should also be a place of safety and security for the students, staff and community members who occupy them. The school community’s awareness and participation in the threat assessment process will help to ensure everyone’s safety.

Article XIII-E: Threat Assessment

  • What do Schools Need to Do?

  • Definition of Threat

  • The Threat Assessment Team

  • School Staff and Mandated Reporting

  • Recognizing and Reporting At-Risk-Behaviors


  • Info for Parents & Staff
  • PCCD Threat Assessment Procedures and Guidelines
  • Act 18 Resources
Threat Assessment Image